Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Emergency ... reeeeee rawwwww!

Things got kind of serious around here this morning. 'The Boy' met with a strange and unwitnessed accident. He was discovered... shock! horror! ... ...with his wee arm severed!

It was very stressful for the whole family, including 'The Girl'. We have done all the right things. Applied pressure to the 'wound'. Kept the patient calm. We have kept the limb on ice and are now waiting for the ambulance to arrive. We are hoping for a microsurgery miracle. Lucky we know Eve the emergency nurse at Launnie Hospital ... with her crafting skills should have him patched up in no time. You know, you just feel so guilty, so responsible, especially when they have come all the way from Sri Lanka from this particularly special place here. Will keep you posted on his treatment and recovery.


2paw said...

Oh what a terrible catastrophe, I am glad there was prompt medical help!! I love your post title, very funny!!!

red bamboo said...

Have no fear.... the hunky guys and spunky girls (in VERY tight trousers) from CSI will clear the case in no time!

Liesl said...

Oh no - it looks like someone has been having a bit more than some 'armless good fun. Hope the little boy is on the mend soon!