I like markets.
I like markets because you get to talk your head off to lovely people... and then when you hit a point of verbal exhaustion in the early afternoon someone goes and buys you a strong coffee.
I like markets because you get to fondle other people's lovely goods and say ooh and aah and get all inspired by how crafty clever people are.
I like markets because you get to giggle alot and talk craft porn all day and the small gets to hang out with her Dad.
I like markets because I get so chuffed that anyone would like my stuff let alone want to buy it - it still makes me feel all shy.
I like markets because they engender a feeling of connectiveness and community in those who get it. I like that there is room for everyone.
Red Bamboo appears at Homespun for the first time
Thank you to all those who dropped by the Civic Homespun Market yesterday and said hi!- The stallholders were just sensational - I'm sorry I couldn't get more shots - I ran out of room on my camera but the market gods shined on a small section of Launceston and I loved being a part of such a lovely day and I am still basking in the afterglow of market love. Thanks Tameeka for a wonderful market x
You are space ace.
Thanks for the pics.
What lovely photos. Looks ace indeed!
Haha Gem, my love, you are SUCH a dag - and you think you can laugh at me and my ooohing and ahhhing over your bits and pieces - shy doll! Was great to hang-ten with you... and our cool "too cool for craft school" clique... rockin' it! x
I was so happy to see all you lovely ladies there peddling your wonderful wares, I too felt the glow xxx
I agree!! hope all is well
Thanks Gemma, but all of you lovelies are what make our little market so great! Can't wait for the 17th - it's going to rock ;)
Couldn't have put it any better myself!!!
Great goodies..Great company... Great chips!!!!!
Looks and sounds like you had a ball! And it's not all about selling is it? The fun of being with others enjoying a crafty day out is the best bit. Bet you are looking forward to the next one xo
What a great wrap of your day at the market Gemma. It's very cute that you feel shy when people buy your stuff!
Craft Porn - perfect. :D
Great to see you there again. Immy loves her new sun hat! We are totally in love with your stuff! YUM!
It's just one great big whopping warm and fuzzy markety party for Space Ace ladies (and an occasional put-upon bloke)...And mighty fine work - your stall looks the cats pyjamas!
That looks such fun and full of lovely things . Envy , envy , envy .
Smitonius and Sonata, it was indeed fun - but the envy is all mine when you go flaunting pics of gorgeous anitque shops and haberdashery windows in the Northern Hemisphere!!
awwww looks like fun! I'm doing my first market on my own december and its totally nervewracking and super exciting at the same time! all rolled into one!
Corrie: The market was so much fun - good luck with your market - you will be wonderful! Gemma
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