Friday, November 7, 2008

Little Red Dress

I have been working on this idea for a while in my head. I finally sewed it all up yesterday for Edie. I am thrilled with the outcome.
We took the dress for a test run in Princes Park. I'd be drooling too if I got to ride on my Daddy's shoulders on a beautiful spring morning in my fancy new dress!I will get some of these together in sizes 1 - 3 for the end of the month. There will be other colours ... but you'll have to wait and see xx


Anonymous said...

Such a gorgeous dress!! Drooling is allowed, I think, under special circumstances!!

tam said...

AWWW just too cute for words!

Black Eyed Susie said...

Very cute! Love the colours.

Claire (ethel loves fred) said...

Just gorgeous, love the contrast and the pocket, ALL of it - and it looks so good on her too!

Jen said...

Gosh, you make beautiful things!! That little dress is just far too cute!!

blackie said...

gorgeous! can't go wrong with a red dress I say.

Bec said...

Oh my goodness, this dress is simply divine....I would totally wear an adult-sized one of these!!!!

Fiona said...

Hi Gemma,
Ruby's finger is healing really well. I love this little red dress.

Jesse said...

Such a cute dress! The big red ties on the shoulders are too sweet.