Wednesday, September 5, 2012

One for the Collection

 Hello, Mr Lobster.  Come home with me.  Meet some of your mates.  They live on my kitchen dresser.  You know you want to.
OK.  Don't mind if I do.  I always believed that there is a place for everyone ... you just have to wait.  Exhale.


Paravent said...

Another lobster find! How do you do it? I honestly never see them... That one will look lovely with your collection :) Kx

Recycled Relix said...

Wow .... he's different.... well done!

Tanya Murray said...

Gasp!!! I had no idea you and I were so closely bonded! I LOVE lobster-ware (my term, completely made up) and I said to my mother a number of years ago "If I had even an inch of space left I would collect lobster plates" I can't explain it, I just adore them. You've made my day.

Fer said...

he he he.... I could just imagine you collecting a set of 3 and have them flying up the wall - would be a nice change from ducks!

Isis said...

woot woot

Rachael said...

Great! And good on you for your quest to save that building from anymore vandalism by the developer (aka destroyer). x